Life can be hard sometimes ! I've looked on the lifehacks of pinterest , of youtube and I combined some LIFE HACKS that will for sure make your life a bit easier ! 🔺 How to cut strawberries ? Usually we cut the upper part of the strawberry which leads us to waste a little bit of the strawberry . But to do it the RIGHT way , all you need is a straw and u push it up towards the green leaves . and there you have it ! 🔺 Using your phone withe wearing gloves ?! Yes I've struggled a lot with this thing , when it's freezing cold outside and you want to take selfies or call someone you have to take off your gloves . It sucks ! 😣 All you have to do is carry around a battery and use it a phone pen like what they have in samsung note . Trust me it WORKS ! 💪 🔺 OH HEADPHONES !! Tangled headphone we all suffer from it . I 've tried putting back in the box , i've tried many ways but the don't work .But i've never thought ...