
Affichage des articles du août, 2016


         1.GET RID OF BAD HABITS: if you're addicted to social media or video games ... try to cut down the time you spend on them .And NEVER  think that they help you relax they're only distractors !!!               2.ORGANIZE YOUR TIME : I don't need to explain this but im gonna give a little tip :try to divide your school tasks ( project ...) on the week so you can free the weekend and have some  time for yourself .Here is an example of a weekly schedule if you want to print it out : file:///C:/Users/zaynab/Desktop/daycare-weekly-schedule-2.pdf.         3.WORK FASTER:    this may sound weird BUT trust me Istruggeled with it in high school especially on MATH and PHYSICS .Actually if you work fast you get a lot of work done in a small period of time , especially in math and physics you have to do as many exercises as possible . And it's also heplful...




L ooking for a GOOD and AFORDABLE spot to spend summer in ? S ick of the hot summer weather ? W ant to visit Morocco but don't know where to go ?..... GUYS I GOT YOU !! if you've been in MOROCCO and did not visit oualidia beach you 're definitely missing out on a lot !it's a small city in the region of CASABLANCA-SETTAT .It has terrific sights as you can tell from these photos .the beach is kind interesting because there are some areas with waves and others that ressembles a lake I mean you kinda have the choice .The water is very cold though , it's probably healthy for the muscles !!!this beach is also interesting in terms of we're able to clearly watch the tides  --> a side fact : when the ocean rises people collects mussels from the rocks that were covered by water and speaking of food if you're  fan of oysters you're in the right place they actually grow them up  in a place where you can buy them as well . There are plenty of fun activitie...

Here are 7 benefits of sweet potatoes :

H ere are  7  benefits of sweet potatoes : They are a good source of vitamin C and B6. They are a good source of vitamin D, which helps build healthy bones. They contain iron and support a healthy immune system. Sweet potatoes are a good source of mag­nesium ,  which is   the relaxation and anti-stress mineral .  They are a source of potassium.  Sweet potatoes do not cause blood sugar spikes->  their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream.   They help ward off cancer and protect against the effects of aging.